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Total sees UAE production boosted by ADCO output

Total’s latest financial filing shows positive signs from Middle East

Total sees UAE production boosted by ADCO output
Total sees UAE production boosted by ADCO output

Total saw production in the UAE climb steadily to 260 kboe/d on average in 2013, compared to 246 kboe/d in 2012.

In an annual filing for the year ended December 31, 2013, to the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers), the company stated that its UAE activity “maintained a steady rhythm of production which led to an increase in TOTAL’s share of production.”

The increase in production in 2013 was mainly due to higher production by Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO).

TOTAL holds a 75% stake (operator) in the Abu Al Bu Khoosh field, a 9.5% stake in ADCO, which operates the five major onshore fields in Abu Dhabi, and a 13.3% stake in Abu Dhabi Marine (ADMA), which operates two offshore fields. TOTAL also has a 15% stake in Abu Dhabi Gas Industries (GASCO), which produces NGL (natural gas liquids) and condensates from the associated gas produced by ADCO as well as from the gas and condensates and associated gases produced by ADMA. TOTAL also has a 5% stake in Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company (ADGAS), which processes the associated gas produced by ADMA in order to produce LNG, NGL and condensates, and further possesses a 5% holding in National Gas Shipping Company (NGSCO), which owns eight LNG tankers and exports the LNG produced by ADGAS. The ADCO license expired in January 2014 and the Abu Dhabi authorities have issued a call for tenders for the renewal of the license as of January 1, 2015.

In Iraq, the Group’s production was 7 kboe/d in 2013 compared to 6 kboe/d on average for the year 2012. TOTAL holds an 18.75% stake in the consortium that was awarded the development and production contract for the Halfaya field in the Missan province. Production of Phase 1 of the project, which has a capacity of 100 kb/d, started in June 2012. Phase 2, under construction, is expected to increase the production up to 200 kb/d by the end of 2014. The definitive development plan, which is expected to make it possible to achieve a plateau of 535 kb/d, was approved by the authorities in August 2013.

In early 2013, TOTAL acquired an 80% stake and became operator of the Baranan exploration Block (729 km2, southeast of Soulaymaniyah, in the Kurdistan area). A 2D seismic survey of 213 km was completed in January 2014. The data of this seismic is expected to result in the drilling of a first exploration well at the end of 2014.

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