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Kuwait oil exports back to normal as strike ends

Customs workers had been striking on Monday and Tuesday over pay

Kuwait oil exports back to normal as strike ends
Kuwait oil exports back to normal as strike ends

Oil exports from Kuwait’s main tanker port of Mina Al Ahmadi have returned to normal after delays caused by striking customs workers earlier this week.

The two-day strike by Kuwaiti customs workers came to an end yesterday after the government promised that their demands for better pay and conditions will be met.

“The strike has been suspended after officials understood our demands and promised to meet them,” Ahmed al-Enezi, the head of Kuwait customs employees union, told Reuters on Wednesday.

Despite reassurances from government officials, oil shipments were delayed, with the New York Times reporting yesterday that the strike kept up to five tankers at bay as customs clearances were refused. The news caused a 3% uplift in Brent futures on Monday.

The strikes were the latest installment in a series of public sector collective action over pay and working conditions, initiated by oil workers in September.

Kuwait is the world’s sixth-largets oil producer, and has been increasing production as part of coordinated with Saudi Arabia and the UAE after OPEC failed to agree a production increase in June. The state currently produces 2.9 million barrels per day – some 500,000 bpd over its OPEC quota – and is eyeing a target of 3 million bpd.


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