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Roxi seismic shows large Kazakh discovery for BNG

BNG block may hold up to 728 million barrels of resources

Roxi seismic shows large Kazakh discovery for BNG
Roxi seismic shows large Kazakh discovery for BNG

Roxi Petroleum has announced that their preliminary interpretation of 1,400 sq km of 3D seismic at the Ayrshagyl block in western Kazakhstanhas has led to identification of 30 prospects and 7 leads.

BNG operates the block, which covers 20% transition zone and the rest low-lying steppe at the edge of the Caspian Sea in Mangistau oblast in the North Caspian basin. Roxi has 58.41% interest in and operational control of the block.

Consulting engineers attribute a combined 500 million barrels of best estimate prospective resources to the 30 prospects, 400 million barrels to the leads, and a further 13 million barrels of contingent resources to South Yelemes field, where pilot production could start near the end of 2011.

Risked most likely prospective and contingent resources are estimated to total 215 million barrels.

The identified prospects include analogs to surrounding Bekbolat and Tolkyn fields in the Permian. Exploration plays have been developed on the southern side of the Devonian Guryev arch and the South Emba subbasin.

The company believes the Paleozoic prospects will create the most shareholder value, and 22 prospects and leads occur at 3,900-5,000 m. These are carbonate prospects with reservoir potential from the Devonian through to the Lower Permian, the deepest of which produce in nearby giant Tengiz field.


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